
Random inaccurate Ratings

Why does it seem like on some post that people (including myself) post that their is always that one person that votes a 2 or 3 when the person is obviously is above a 5 or 6 and most people rate correctly, but it’s annoying for random low ratings that make no sense I think if someone is being rated a 10 by someone then there is no way their then going to be voted below a 6 but for some reason they get a random low vote. Even if the person is getting rated mostly 7 or 8, their is no way they are below a 5.

Posted 2 years ago by


insanely attractive, super rare
model territory, rare
really attractive, best looking in daily life
attractive, well above average
good looking, above average
average, most people
slightly below average
below average, room for improvement
lots of room for improvement
not a good picture
0 votes


That's why we have calibrated and weighted votes which corrects for those people that underrate or overrate. Would you prefer that we don't show the raw votes at all? Because we can't stop someone from voting the way they do. Another question is, not just you but other people too, seem to be way too preoccupied with a single low vote that doesn't matter, why is that? Like 6 people can vote '7' on your picture, but you'll be more concerned about 1 person that voted '3', that's pretty interesting.
Replied by FaceShape · 443 · 2 years ago
The average may not change, but the votes do. Especially if there are lots of voters, the under/over-raters have less importance in the final score, so it just washes out. Calibrated removes people who were off, you can see in Ghosty's last post, it adjusted a '3' vote and '9' as well, so the average stayed the same, but the votes moved around. Weighting makes it clear which vote would have been the most popular and by how much if there were a lot more voters, so the distribution there should be more accurate. Again, happy to listen to feedback and make improvements, but we can't stop people from voting the way they do, we can correct the votes to make it more reasonable, but that doesn't guarantee the final outcome would change (especially if there were a mix of over/under rates, at the end, they cancel out and especially if there were lots of votes to begin with outliers won't have as much importance either). But that still doesn't answer the question, why are people so obsessed with 1 or 2 outliers instead of looking at the overall votes.
Replied by FaceShape · 443 · 2 years ago

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