I think your current hairstyle looks awesome actually and you don't really have a very large forehead, maybe just a little broader than average (which is common for men btw). There's plenty of celebrities with larger foreheads that pull their back and it looks nice. As for your face shape, mix of oblong/heart seems about right, but the picture is a bit angled, it could be more accurate with a front facing portrait style pic.
Whoever told you that about your forehead was wrong. It’s on the larger side of average, but well within the normal spectrum. As for hairstyle, I agree with the others that your current hairstyle is pretty good. If you are self conscious about your forehead though, I will say that having shorter/less tall hair would give the appearance of a shorter face and it would draw less attention to the forehead. As for your face shape, it’s hard to tell from the angle of the picture. My best guess would be that your face is mainly heart shaped. I don’t think it’s oblong.